The Kitty (Ellis)

by Godfrey J. Ellis – 11×14 Acrylic Oct 2019

One of my three granddaughters in Arizona was fun-loving Amy. Her favorite outfit was this kitty shirt and the floppy fur hood. The painting went very quickly.  It essentially painted itself in one day – certainly the fastest I had done to that date.  Merry said that it was my “best so far.” I didn’t agree, but the larger size of the face on the canvas allowed me to paint details that were impossible with a smaller face. It was also my first abstract background, which I thought fit the portrait. Painting the shirt was fun, too. Below is the reference photo:

Below is fun-loving and super-sweet Amy proudly holding the painting. The family had this one matted so that it matched the sizes of the 12×16 paintings that I did of her two sisters.

The portraits of the three girls were hung in the family’s living room, much to the girls’ chagrin. My wife took a photo of the painting and put it on fabric so that she could make a pillow out of it. That way, Amy could have the picture in her bedroom. We gave it to them the next Christmas. Here is Amy’s pillow: