First Kiss (Kiss)

by Godfrey J. Ellis – 156×20 Acrylic Aug 2020

This a painting of our first grandchild to be married – Steven and Laura Ellis. Do we feel old? …Yes! The wedding took place during the coronavirus pandemic. We had been essentially alone except for going out for groceries while wearing a mask. At this reception, there were 260 people. It was quite a change! By the time we got home from Sacramento, we had developed sniffles, so we got tested and were happy to have negative results. Steven is a truly amazing young man and his wife is a sweetheart from a wonderful marriage. We were thrilled to see the two families combined through this marriage.

Below is the reference photo of this lovely couple. I took out the minister (behind Steven).

Here is a photo of our lovely couple holding their Christmas portrait.

Below are three photos of the wedding portrait as it developed. As you can see, I over-painted the background and had to de-clutter it so that it did not distract from the focus, the lovely young bride and our handsome grandson as they shared their first kiss as a married couple.