The Hands (Nash)

by Godfrey J. Ellis – 16×20 Acrylic Dec 2023

This sweet couple a very close bond, as you can probably see. They commissioned this painting to commemorate their union together. There were several difficult parts of this painting. The likeness, of course, is always a challenge. But hands are difficult, especially when they are piled on top of each other as in the reference photo. The suit coats were also difficult. His gray coat initially looked brown (as you can see in the progress photos below) until I added a fair amount of blue to the gray.

Most paintings go through an “awkward” phase where the artist thinks about giving up. This one certainly did. I had a lot of trouble with her mouth. I put this aside for awhile and wondered if I could do it. It took me a couple of weeks to get back to it. When I returned to it, it developed rapidly.

Picture of them holding the painting.

Below are six photos of the portrait as it stumbled through various stages of progress.

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