
“It’s My Birthday!” (Ellis)

“It’s My Birthday!” (Ellis)

by Godfrey J. Ellis – 14×18 Acrylic 2021 This is my daughter-in-law’s niece. This little girl is a firecracker! I have no idea what thought is passing through her little mind at this exact moment but, whatever it is, it is intense! Her mother is going through a painful divorce, as most divorces are, and […]

Japanese Missionary (Whitaker)

Japanese Missionary (Whitaker)

by Godfrey J. Ellis – 14×18 Acrylic Mar 2021 This is another in my series of missionaries serving in our area. This young man was actually assigned to Japan, but that country has closed its borders because of Covid-19.. He is serving here in Western Washington while waiting for Japan to re-open. He’s trying to […]

Crooked Smile (Bradshaw)

Crooked Smile (Bradshaw)

by Godfrey J. Ellis – 14×18 Acrylic Jan 2021 Another gift portrait for the wonderful missionaries who pass through our area. Elder Bradshaw was trained to work with Spanish-speaking people (hence, the badge) but, for some reason, was assigned to our area. He was a fine young man, ,and we much enjoyed working with him. […]

Elder Black Eye (Chandler)

Elder Black Eye (Chandler)

by Godfrey J. Ellis – 14×18 Acrylic Jan 2021 This is another souvenir portrait painted for missionaries serving in our area. This was a wonderful young man who served faithfully. The red above the eye (on the viewer’s right) is a black eye or abrasion that Elder Chandler got playing basketball with other missionaries. I […]

Marmite Mania (Ellis)

Marmite Mania (Ellis)

by Godfrey J. Ellis – 12×12 Acrylic Jan 2021 For those of you who don’t know, Marmite is a foul-smelling worse-tasting mix of molasses and yeast. It’s awful. BUT… You know how some people brag about liking very spiced foods. Others brag about eating olives or drinking a lot of some drink. Well, my brother […]