by Godfrey J. Ellis – 12×16 acrylic 2020 This sweetie is my niece, Angela’s, granddaughter. The parents, Bethany and Scott, are very proud of this, their first child. They were thrilled with the painting. About the portrait, Bethany said, “OMG! It looks exactly like her!” She said it was so cute that it literally brought […]
The Sniper (Robles)
by Godfrey J. Ellis – 12×16 acrylic 2020 This was painted for the same neighbor for whom I painted “Brothers” back on Dec. 12th. I offered to paint another one of the father in his dress uniform. He was a Bronze Star Master Sergeant and had a chest full of medals. No, he strongly preferred […]
Mother and Babe
by Godfrey J. Ellis – 12×16 acrylic 2020 An Internet artist named Matt Philleo held an online acrylic painting challenge. Artists from around the world signed up to choose and paint a common reference photo under his guidance. The level of painting ability among the 300 who signed up for the challenge ranged from elementary […]
See What a Little Faith Can Do?
by Godfrey J. Ellis This article was published in the April 2020 Ensign magazine, now called, Liahona magazine. Rather than give you the text of the article to download, below is a photograph of the article in the April 2020 Ensign with the excellent illustration that the staff provided. Here are two photo taken of […]
The Inspired Reader (Smith)
by Godfrey J. Ellis – 12×16 acrylic 2020 This lovely young woman, Elizabeth Smith, was one of the missionaries assigned to our area. She was limited in her activities because she and her companion were isolated at home by the coronavirus. Here she draws inspiration from the scriptures. I took the photo on our back […]
Badge Pride (Prusse)
Godfrey J. Ellis – 12×16 Acrylic 2020 This is another in my series of gift portraits for the sister missionaries. Sister Prusse was a sweetheart. Here she is holding out her missionary badge to be sure it made it into the painting. This portrait should be a valued souvenir of her mission experience for years […]
In the Countryside (Cloward)
by Godfrey J. Ellis – 12×16 acrylic 2020 I have mixed feelings about this painting. It was another of the portrait gifts for a missionary who served in our area, Sister Cloward. She was only here for only a week or two. It bothers me that it is not my best work. The pattern of […]
The Airline Captain (Coppin)
by Godfrey J. Ellis – 12×16 acrylic 2020 Our previous stake president, Eric Coppin, was captain of United Airlines at the same time he served. An amazingly loving and humble man, it was my pleasure to offer him a portrait. He selected this reference photo – one his daughter had taken of him in the […]
The Island Troubadour (Hohaia)
by Godfrey J. Ellis – 12×16 acrylic 2020 Luman Hohaia is an extremely soft-spoken man who comes alive when he entertains with the Pacific Island songs that he loves so much. Suddenly his voice is loud and strong – it’s quite amazing. He sings in English and Polynesian. This portrait was my gift to him […]
It’s All in a Name
by Godfrey J. Ellis This illustration was meant to show that a person’s name was not just descriptive, it was also predictive. In other words, people tend to grow into whatever stereotype is suggested by the names that were given to them. An article in Psychology Today points out the fact that, “Names matter. Whenever […]