by Godfrey J. Ellis – 2019 This was the second cartoon that I drew for the book. It is meant to be a pun on the idea of increasing one’s “net” of business contacts.
Miller’s Flour
by Godfrey J. Ellis This cartoon illustrates diversity in business meetings. The book recommended that those wanting to join what is called a “networking group” visit at least six different networking groups before deciding which one to commit to. I wrote that readers needed to make their choice with at least as much proactive care […]
On “Your Honor”
by Godfrey J. Ellis This cartoon was drawn to illustrate the balance between casual informality and stuffy formality in addressing people at business meetings. I pointed out that the popular trend in the US is to try to level the field and make everyone “equal” in every way. That’s okay in many situations, but there […]
Plan B
by Godfrey J. Ellis This cartoon shows very little art ability and is as simple as simple can be. However, it is my and my wife’s favorite illustration for some reason – perhaps it’s simplicity. What does it illustrate? Why, simply to always have a Plan B in your back pocket in case things don’t […]
by Godfrey J. Ellis This cartoon illustrates a concept used by Joe Miller called the Curse of Knowledge. He makes the point that we don’t always know what we know and tells the story of trying to teach his son how to drive a car. The lesson assumed his son knew things that he didn’t […]
Abe and the 12% Haters
by Godfrey J. Ellis All of us have detractors and haters and we all have our fans and supporters. It’s a part of life. In the book, we talk about not letting the negative opinions of, at most 12% of the people we meet get us down. One of the examples to illustrate this point […]
Communication Sucks
by Godfrey J. Ellis This drawing is to show the difficulty with communication in the English language. Even if the speaker chooses words wisely, the listener must then decode the words into an assumed interpretation based on culture and personal experiences. The cartoon asks how phrases such as this one can be effectively shared.
The Big Squeeze
by Godfrey J. Ellis This cartoon was NOT drawn for the book. In August of 2019, we attended a 50th reunion of the Vancouver 1st Ward. Participants were encouraged to share the story of their joining the Church at that time. My story, from back in early 1963, included the funny incident of two large […]
In the Cooking Pot
by Godfrey J. Ellis – 1992 This painting was done in 1992 as a joke for my niece Christina. I was then 42 years old. Christina’s son, Tyler, had crawled into a cooking pot that was sitting on the ground by their tent when they were camping in a mountain retreat. She shared a snapshot […]
Torn Knees (Ellis)
by Godfrey J. Ellis – Acrylic 1990 The source photo of 10-year-old Braden Ellis was taken when he was sitting on the porch of the Huntamer family home in Lacey, Washington in 1990. We thought it was very cute. Braden is now a father of 3 including a 13-year-old. This was painted long before torn […]