
Herding Horses

Herding Horses

by Godfrey J. Ellis – 15×30 acrylic 1990 A National Geographic Magazine in 1990 contained this 1-inch by 4-inch photo.  Merry and I fell in love with it, but it was tiny, tiny.  How could we have a frameable copy? Enlarging it just blurred and pixelated it. I decided that the only way we could […]

Translucent Wave

Translucent Wave

by Godfrey J. Ellis – 16×20 Oil 1990 I had not painted for 13 years when I painted this seascape.  My life had been consumed with finishing my PhD, helping to raise a family of four boys, and fulfilling numerous Church assignments.  I was also establishing my career as a professor at both Oklahoma State […]

Alberta Farm

Alberta Farm

by Godfrey J. Ellis – acrylic 1990 Barry Ellis, my older brother, lived in Alberta, Canada, and loved prairie scenes.  As a gift, I painted this picture from a similar painting shown in an art book.  (So, the scene was not necessarily a farm in Alberta, per se.)  Also, Barry has had a lifelong love […]