This was a commissioned memorial painting for friends of ours. Their aunt was a spunky lady and full of fun – I hope I captured that in the portrait. The client said she absolutely “loves it” and it “looks exactly like her deceased aunt” – so that’s good. The challenge with this one is that […]
Lilacs (Harding)
by Godfrey J. Ellis – Acrylic 14X18 May 2023 Another of the wonderful missionaries who come through our town. He didn’t know what lilacs were so I told him that he better find out because girls love lilacs (and so do I). Here is the reference photo: Here is a photo of him holding his […]
Stuffed Animals (Hansen)
by Godfrey J. Ellis — Acrylic 16×20 June 2023 These are two of the children of a young family from Church. I wanted to paint them because …well, they are just so darn cute! I had fun with the stuffed animals, too. Below is the original. As you can see, I chose to have a […]
The Scar (Hill)
by Godfrey J. Ellis — Acrylic 14×18 May 2023 The challenge – and fun – in this painting was the lighting on the face. At first, Merry said it looked like “a scar” across his forehead. I worked on it and think it finally came out okay!! I was also pleased with how the colors […]
Blossoms (Familia)
by Godfrey J. Ellis – 14×18 Acrylic May 2023 Sometimes the likeness comes immediately, sometimes it requires a great deal of trial and error. The likeness of the lovely young “blossom” was quite difficult and I struggled a lot with this one. Also, she wanted more background blossoms than were on the trees so I […]
Wild and Wacky (Brewer)
by Godfrey J. Ellis – 12×16 Acrylic March 2023 This portrait was of – believe it or not – our Honda salesman. He was super-nice but, by his own self-identification, “wild and wacky.” We got to talking and I mentioned painting and he wanted one for his wife’s birthday. Long story, short, I did this […]
Young Bishop (Stucki)
Godfrey J. Ellis I used to home teach this man when he was 12 years old. He would climb up on the back of the couch and muss up my hair while I was sitting there! Now, here he is as my bishop – go figure. Makes me feel old. The happy news is that […]
The Dress (Lovell)
by Godfrey J. Ellis – 14×18 Acrylic March 2023 I am used to missionaries showing up for a photo shoot with elaborate flowered patterns, but this is the first time I had a nightmare black dress with green abstract blobs that obscured shadows and shapes. Worse, the background was also black with green abstract blobs […]
The Sound (Fjeldsted)
by Godfrey J. Ellis — 14×18 Acrylic Mar 2023 This is another of our wonderful young missionaries. Oh, to have the energy and enthusiasm that he exudes! Oh, well…I did try to capture some of that in this painting. This young man wanted the water of the Sound behind him. The photo was actually taken […]
Mount Rainier (LeBaron)
by Godfrey J. Ellis – 14×18 Acrylic March 2023 One of our new missionaries, he is kind, helpful, and thoughtful. What wonderful young people we have. It’s a pleasure to paint this souvenir for him. He wanted Mount Rainier as a background. Below is a photo of him holding his portrait. He is a tall […]