Barry & the Bobbies (Ellis)

by Godfrey J. Ellis – 16×20 Acrylic Dec 2023

My brother, Barry, and his wife served in Preston, England, as LDS temple missionaries. On their time off, they did a little sightseeing. On one of their excursions, Barry found himself in a train station where there were a couple of English constables (British Bobbies) patrolling the station. Barry asked if he could have a photo of him standing next to them. I decided to paint this as a Christmas present. In terms of details – phew! – I think I bit off more than I could chew! Nevertheless, I did the best I could.

You can see that I moved the the two Bobbies closer together and moved Barry closer to the front to make him more prominent in the composure. You can easily see where I cut around Barry to re-past him slightly larger and closer to the front. I had to make up the outer arms of the two constables. I also lightened their pants to allow more detail in the clothing.

Here is a copy of my brother holding his painting. (He no longer dyes his hair.)

And here is the painting as he arranged it on the wall. (I also did the one of him and Carol in front of the Preston Temple.)

Below are five photos of the painting as it slowly took shape.

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