Batman (Shingzing)

Godfrey J. Ellis – 12×16 Acrylic July 2020

Oliver 7 yrs and Alex 4, the two little boys next door, sit in front of our planter.  They have the long hair that came with Covid-19.  When I gave this to the family, Dad had given them a haircut. I said, “Do I need to change the painting.” He laughed and said no. I painted this as a gift because I like the family and that enhances good neighbor relations. Wouldn’t you know, they moved away only a few months later! Oh, well… The entire family loved the painting. If anything, the children were even more excited and pleased than the parents! “That’s me!” shouted Alex. “That is sooooo good,” said Oliver. It was very very satisfying to see children so pleased.

Below is the reference photo:

Below are the two sweet little boys holding the painting. They were very excited, as you can see.

Below are a few early stages of the painting as it progressed: