Category: Grandchildren

The New Jacket (Ellis)

The New Jacket (Ellis)

by Godfrey J. Ellis – 11×14 Acrylic Nov 2019 Our grandson was proud of this new winter jacket. He didn’t want to take it off, even in the house. When Godfrey painted this Christmas gift, he decided to give it a different background, using a photo of their un-mown backyard. Below is the reference photo […]

Sarah Meets the Eiffel Tower (Ellis)

Sarah Meets the Eiffel Tower (Ellis)

by Godfrey J. Ellis – Oct 2019 acrylic 12×16 When my wife suggested I paint my granddaughter, Sarah, from the crooked snapshot below, I honestly thought she was crazy. “Are you joking?!” First, the composition was all wrong. It would require a tall skinny canvas. Second, her shirt seemed impossible with all that white and […]

Leggings in the Canyon (Ellis)

Leggings in the Canyon (Ellis)

by Godfrey J. Ellis – 12×16 Acrylic Oct 2019 This portrait was a Christmas gift for my precocious and full-of-life granddaughter, Sadie. It was based on a photo taken during a visit to Superior Canyon in the Tonton National Forest in Arizona (see below). I was concerned not only about the rocks of the cliff […]

Arizona Flower (Ellis)

Arizona Flower (Ellis)

by Godfrey J. Ellis – 12×16 Acrylic Oct 2019 My lovely granddaughter, Lucy, was becoming quite the young woman. I thought the photo of her back-lit in front of an Arizona tropical plant (see below) was striking and I foolishly thought I could capture that background. I could not. I almost gave up in frustration […]