by Godfrey J. Ellis — 12×16 Acrylic Oct. 2020 This is another in my series of gift portraits for the sister missionaries. Sister Hague was a seasoned missionary and was bold and direct with everyone she taught; yet she was also soft and a sweetheart. Below is the source photo with her young and new […]
Category: Portraits
Golden Sunshine (Blume)
by Godfrey J. Ellis – Oct 2020 Acrylic 16×20 This lovely young 20-year-old girl is the daughter of Jeff, the friend for whom I painted another portrait of his wife. That one was called “Graduation Memories” and is on this website. He liked the portrait of his wife enough to commission this new portrait of […]
Muy Guapo (Garcia)
by Godfrey J. Ellis – October 2020 Acrylic 16×20 I painted a portrait of a small restaurant owner as a surprise gift to encourage him during the Covid pandemic of 2020 (see “The Bandanna” on this website). The owner liked it so much that on one of our later trips to his restaurant, he pulled […]
Trail Head (Johnston)
by Godfrey J. Ellis — 12×16 Acrylic Oct 2020 In return for significant help with putting in a new back lawn, I painted this man’s wife (see “By the Lake” on this website). He gave it to his wife as a gift. He wasn’t sure she liked it but, a few weeks later, she commissioned […]
Dappled Sunshine (Clonts)
by Godfrey J. Ellis – 14×18 Acrylic Sept 2020 This is another in my series of gift portraits for the sister missionaries. Lacey was the first area for Sister Clonts and I photographed her after she had been out for only a few days. My goal in this painting was to try to capture the […]
I Take You… (Ellis)
by Godfrey J. Ellis – 16×20 Acrylic Sep 2020 Merry was the one who “commissioned” me to paint wedding portraits of three of our sons. AND, she wanted one of our wedding, some 47 years ago, as well. She wanted me to pick out which photo to paint some there was some element of “surprise” […]
The Bandanna (Garcia)
by Godfrey J. Ellis – 16×20 acrylic 2020 There is a Hispanic restaurant owner near where we live who has a little hole-in-the-wall place called, Don Garcia’s. In his restaurant, he has a huge, framed photo of him much younger in a cowboy hat and with his name, Don Garcia, splashed across the photo. He […]
Daddy/Daughter Secret (Ellis)
by Godfrey J. Ellis – 12×16 Acrylic August 2020 This was such a fun photo of my son, Steve Ellis, and his sweet daughter, Sarah, that I just had to paint it for Daddy Steve’s birthday. Below is the reference photo, which was taken at her brother’s wedding (July 2, 2020) and finished in August. […]
First Kiss (Kiss)
by Godfrey J. Ellis – 156×20 Acrylic Aug 2020 This a painting of our first grandchild to be married – Steven and Laura Ellis. Do we feel old? …Yes! The wedding took place during the coronavirus pandemic. We had been essentially alone except for going out for groceries while wearing a mask. At this reception, […]
Bubbles (Ellis)
by Godfrey J. Ellis – 12×16 Acrylic July 2020 This wedding portrait of David and Gina Ellis emphasizes the fun and bubbly personalities that both of them enjoy and share. It wasn’t meant to be a formal wedding portrait like others I’ve painted; it was meant to be a fun one, hence the bubbles and […]