Category: Portraits

Golden Sunshine (Blume)

Golden Sunshine (Blume)

by Godfrey J. Ellis – Oct 2020 Acrylic 16×20 This lovely young 20-year-old girl is the daughter of Jeff, the friend for whom I painted another portrait of his wife. That one was called “Graduation Memories” and is on this website. He liked the portrait of his wife enough to commission this new portrait of […]

First Kiss (Kiss)

First Kiss (Kiss)

by Godfrey J. Ellis – 156×20 Acrylic Aug 2020 This a painting of our first grandchild to be married – Steven and Laura Ellis. Do we feel old? …Yes! The wedding took place during the coronavirus pandemic. We had been essentially alone except for going out for groceries while wearing a mask. At this reception, […]