Category: Portraits

Take-off (Danielson)

Take-off (Danielson)

by Godfrey J. Ellis This wedding portrait was of the maternal grandparents of a friend from Church. The young groom was then a first lieutenant pilot in the US Air Force around 1942. At the time, they were not yet assigned the tradition dark blue dress jackets. This young pilot was about to “take off” […]

“Oh, Yeah!” (Fotheringham)

“Oh, Yeah!” (Fotheringham)

by Godfrey J. Ellis – 16×20 Acrylic Oct 2021 I recently published an article in Interpreter: A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship. You can read it online or on this website under the Writing Gallery section. I also serve as a reviewer for that same journal. I recently reviewed an article by a […]