Edmonton Miracles

by Godfrey J. Ellis – October 2002

My brother and I shared an emotional time doing work in the Edmonton Temple for our deceased father who, to say the very least, did not accept our Church during his lifetime. Did he later? We believe he did….

Is Veil renting?
Is Temple
Paper in hand and baited breath,
We bring our father through the door!
12 white oxen
Calming water
Barry, Godfrey step into blueness,
The water erupts…in anticipation.
Tears now flowing
Words are choking
Two brothers serving vicariously,
As Barry buries his brother-father.
No thunder clap
No lightening flash
Walls still standing all around!
The echo of cleansing is only…peace.
Booths of promise
Curtained whiteness
Astonished, we find our father, an elder!
The priesthood passes, one more time.
Touched with water
Then touched with oil
Angry anti becomes priest and king!
We marvel in awe at atoning power.
Gift of knowledge
Comes line upon line
As Barry, the son, and witness brother
Now as father…covenants makes.
Names and symbols
Questions, then answers
He passes through the temple veil,
Accepted into a celestial realm.

Mirrors reflecting
A presence perceiving
As Barry explains the shattered links,
Patrons and workers share common tears.
Round altar kneeling
Hands now clasping
An estranged family seeks altar’s hope
The broken chain…becomes re-forged!
Subdued we exit
Light snow is falling
Tho’ all now seems a distant dream,
We look ahead … toward tomorrow.