Love’s Glow (Ellis)

The Glow - Wedding of Braden and Kerry

by Godfrey J Ellis – 14×18 Acrylic June 2020

The Glow - Wedding of Braden and Kerry

This is a wedding portrait of Braden and Kerry Ellis, who were married 15 years earlier, in 2005. I posted an earlier version of the portrait on an acrylic artists’ FaceBook page to get feedback. People really liked Kerry’s face and the embroidery on the arm of the wedding dress. Most of the comments were on Braden’s face, which was the area that I had asked about, and the other artists had some helpful ideas for improvement.

I struggled with Braden’s mouth but, as you can see in the reference photo below, it is a little “wonky” (as the British would say) in the reference photo as well.

Here are two earlier stages showing the progress of the painting: