Graduation Memories (Blume)

by Godfrey J. Ellis – May 2020 Acrylic 12×16

My friend, Jeff, has helped us a great deal in the replacement of our front lawn and supplying the soil for the replacement of our back lawn. I wanted to do a painting for him – perhaps his wife or a grandchild. Instead, he wanted a painting of his wife’s senior graduation photo when she was 18 in high school. That was quite a few years ago, so his choice was a surprise. He wanted that as a gift to her. Of course, I was happy to make him happy to make her happy. Below is the reference photo he supplied.

Jeff was pleased. Here he is holding the portrait before it was framed. The oval “matte” is not real; it is painted on.

I suggested that he matte this painting with a true oval, not just my painted one. I explained that the disadvantage of a matte was that it would then require glass. He had it professionally matted with a double-matte and non-glare glass. The framing cost $267. Ouch! My frames are usually $20, a tenth of that! Here is Bethany holding the newly matted painting.

Below are three photos of the portrait at various stages of its development: